Founders Festival in Wills Point

There was a lot of events going on everywhere yesterday. I think every small town had their own event and on top of that, it was HWY 80 sale. So I hoped that there would be a lot of foot traffic at the Founders Festival event in Wills Point. We were set up just across the kids zone which was a great location. 

Founders Festival Booth

The foot traffic on this side wasn't as much as we may have hoped for but it didn't matter for us. We had a great day and spoke to many new tea drinkers! For us it is all about getting the brand out to people and let the see and smell the tea! And we got that accomplished. 

We also had iced tea that we sold with us and that was a great success! We sold more of that than we've ever done before and didn't have much of signage about it either. Hopefully we can get an A-fram to put at the booth for people to see for the next shows!

Harlequin Iced Tea

Back in April when we visited Ben Wheeler we met the crew from KMOO 99.9FM that was located in the booth next to us. They were back in Wills Point and it was so good to see them. I walked over there to say hi and they gave us a huge shout out on the radio! So amazing! Thank you so much guys!!!

KMOO 99.9

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event all all small businesses that were there! We had a great time and hope to see you soon again!

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